Buy Tarkov Roubles

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Escape From Tarkov Roubles

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Roubles are the main type of Escape From Tarkov currency. Players can spend them to buy almost any item through the flea market. However, some pieces cost far more than 1 million roubles. And farming such amounts can be very frustrating. Instead, you can just buy them.

How Can I Earn Roubles Escape From Tarkov?

buy tarkov roublesThere are quite a few farming methods. A classic one is raid looting. Go to the map and kill rivals to grab their items. You can also get valuable loot from simple boxes. And then, you sell it to vendors. Or at the flea market if it is worth it.
Another way to get some Escape From Tarkov money is through Bitcoin farming. You need several memory card slots and LvL 2 Intelligence Centre to do it. And then, you can combine the tech manual, ratchet wrench, printed circuit board (x10), PC CPU (x10), CPU fan (x2), and VPX flash storage module (x3). This will result in a completed farm. Once a Bitcoin is produced, you can sell it for roubles.
Also, you can use a Boose Generator or a Lavatory Station to get cash. They both are placed in your hideout. The first one creates an expensive moonshine. While the second transforms trash into grenades.
However, all these methods require a solid investment from you. And to make it, you must first go through dangerous raids to collect starting cash. On your way, you might get killed a few times and lose all the loot. So you must start over. Isn’t it better to avoid that struggle by purchasing roubles for real cash?

How to Buy Rubles?

Choose your region, buying method (trade or farm) and how many roubles you want to buy. If you plan to use trade, we’ll sell roubles only starting from ten mils. The minimal order would cost you 6€. While the maximum (50 mils) costs 30€.
For the farm, the minimum amount to buy is 3 mil for 6€. While the maximum is 50 mils for 100€.
Then use PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Qiwi, WebMoney, Skrill, etc., to pay for the order. Once done, the manager will contact you to specify details.

EFT Roubles For Sale

Can You Get Banned for Buying Roubles in Tarkov?

It is prohibited to buy Escape From Tarkov roubles online. Developers can punish that with a ban. But thanks to security measures, it can never happen to you. If you buy roubles through a farm, a booster will use a VPN, connecting to your city’s IP address. And then he’ll just play the game and farm currency. No way moderators suspect you. While if you buy roubles with trade, you’ll be asked to put something in the trade window. So the game logs won’t spot much cash transferred for anything.

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Michael Peters

Site Editor at
Michael Peters is a video game enthusiast who demystifies the complexities of the games in reviews. He is a seasoned writer with over five years of experience in the gaming industry. He writes more about games, boosting, and leveling services. Michael leverages his in-depth gaming knowledge to provide valuable information to video gamers.

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